Apple Cider Vinegar is free of chemicals and may be
used in the following manner for
household cleaning.
- Rinse your pet’s blankets with apple cider vinegar after washing.
- Spray your dog’s kennel with apple cider vinegar after cleaning. It is chemical free and not harmful to your pets.
- Mix half a cup apple cider vinegar with half a cup water and pour into a spray bottle. Spray your dog with this mixture to get rid of fleas.
- Remove odors from carpets with apple cider vinegar. Leave for half an hour and then vacuum.
- Remove mildew from fridge door seals. Wipe down with full strength vinegar.
- Mix one cup of apple cider with one cup water. Clean microwaves, kitchen surfaces and wall tiles with this solution.
- To remove mildew on your shower curtain, add one cup of apple cider to the rinse water.
- Remove grease from stoves with half cup vinegar mixed with half cup water.
Apple cider vinegar is free of chemicals.